Getting hurt on the job is always possible. That is one reason why so many worker’s compensation laws have been enacted. Take the Longshore Act for example. The Longshore Act applies to maritime workers who are employed near navigable waterways. The Longshore Act, also known as the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act (LHWCA) is also closely connected to the Jones Act workers compensation laws, which also applies to certain maritime workers. Usually the Jones Act covers people who are considered “seamen” and not those employed as Longshoremen. The two requirements for employees who get hurt at work to be able to collect worker’s comp under the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act are; working near navigable waterways and being engaged in maritime work.
Longshore harbor workers compensation is available for anyone that gets hurt on the job who qualifies for it. The Longhshore Act was passed by congress in order to protect these designated workers. There are all kinds of other worker’s comp laws that apply to different categories of employment in the U.S. Longshore workers compensation will pay a percentage of the injured worker’s salary while they are recuperating from injuries received while on the job.
The amount of compensation that can be paid, according to the Longshore Act, depends on the average weekly pay they were making at the time of injury. The type of injury also factors into how much the employee can be paid. Injured workers are also entitled to medical benefits under the Longshore Act. Employees are to receive any medical treatment for an on the job injury that is reasonable and necessary.