Category: Legislative history california

Three of the Actually Strangest Legal Statutes From Around the World

It’s highly probably that as you’ve done your law research, you’ve come across a few, strange, terribly, hilarious legal statutes that — for some unknown reason — are still on the U.S.’s law books today, despite having no apparent legislative intent, but did you know that we’re not alone? There are tons of other countries with bizarre legal statutes. Here are just a few of the weirdest ones! In Australia, Only a Qualified Electrician CanRead more

Crazy Things That Can Get Your Thrown in Jail If You Do Them in Church

The U.S. takes religion very seriously. Religious persecution was, after all, one of the things that forced immigrants from all across Europe to flee to the New World. Consequentially, legal statutes securing citizens religious freedoms and protecting the sanctity of religion have made their way into U.S. law books since before the country was independent. In fact, you don’t have to do a whole ton of law research to see just how thoroughly they’ve proliferatedRead more