All workers deserve to be properly protected in the eyes of the law. When you suffer an injury or illness on the job that prevents you from working, workers comp is there to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve to keep moving forward. Unfortunately, many Americans struggle with the legal process when it comes to addressing work-related issues and applying for a compensation claim. Below are industry statistics and common concerns to better lay bare the most frequent worries to help you on your path to a better working future.
What Are Common Work-Related Injuries And Illnesses?
You may feel as if your particular incident might not be worthy of legal assessment. However, many injuries and illnesses are brought up in regards to workers comp and you may still see yourself being financially compensated. The year 2013 saw over 327,000 job-related sprains, strains and tears in multiple job sectors as well as 229,000 slips and falls. This can result in minor to severe injuries that severely impact a worker’s ability to attend their job, leading to workers comp to cover medical bills, rent and more.
What Are The Most Dangerous Job Sectors?
Every industry has its own unique issues to be addressed. Nursing assistants and orderlies, for example, have been found to suffer at least three times the rate of back and various musculoskeletal injuries as even construction laborers. The average American will miss eight days of work related to occupational injuries on a yearly basis, with the total in 2013 reaching nearly 918,000 injuries and illnesses. Even sedentary positions that require an individual sit for multiple hours per day can noticeably aggravate lower back pain, upper back pain and neck pain.
What Are Benefits I Can Expect To Receive?
Workers comp is necessary to provide workers with financial fallback in light of an unexpected accident. Wages and salaries have both been found to make up 70% of compensation costs, with benefits adding up to the remaining 30%. Benefit payments under workers comp programs exceeded $60 billion back in 2011, a 3% increase from the year prior. Overall, workers comp will pay 100% of any and all medical costs for injured workers alongside cash benefits for lost work time for up to a week.
How Do I Apply For Workers Comp?
There is no reason to ignore an injury or illness sustained on the job. When you’re unable to fulfill your duties and even fear backlash for being unable to attend your shifts, workers comp can ensure your position is secure and your medical fees are taken care of. The year 2011 saw both state and federal workers comp laws covering over 125 million employees, all with varying degrees of severity as related to their work-related injuries. Workers compensation lawyers can assist you with everything from court hearings to financial advice, helping you get back on your feet once more. Don’t let an injury get you down. Apply for workers comp and receive the help you deserve.