Believe it or not, employees have rights; unfortunately, many of them get taken advantage of because they are unaware of those rights. From a legal perspective, employers are obligated to inform their employees of their right in some way, shape, or form. But this does not mean that employers have to be upfront about it.
For this reason, employees need to take responsibility for knowing their rights, and they cannot be afraid to bring it to the attention to their employers when they feel that their right have been violated. While it is always a good idea to read the fine print included on employment applications and their ensuing employment contracts, the details about rights for employees are easily accessible from each state’s employment department website.
When many people think about attorneys and lawsuits, criminal lawyers, DWI lawyers, and auto injury attorneys most often come to mind. Seldom does it seem that you hear anyone talking about having to get in touch with the employment attorneys. Hopefully you don’t have too many friends that have their own personal criminal lawyer, but you get the point.
In the real world of employment law there are a couple primary reasons that an employee or former employee might consider filing a lawsuit against an employer. Most often employment lawsuits are filed for against employers who have been accused of discrimination or wrongful termination. Of course, these can sometimes be one and the same if a formal employee feels he has been dismissed based upon such things as age, race, gender, or disability.
Since the rights for employees are intended to protect each employee from discrimination and other forms of unlawful employee mistreatment, employment attorneys are there to help employees to defend those rights. Although no employee wants to be put in the situation where he or she feels that a lawsuit is necessary, sometimes there is more to gain by contacting an employment attorney rather than simply accepting mistreatment.