When you are facing a legal situation, whether it’s a criminal charge or a civil matter such as a bankruptcy, you need to have a legal representative such as an attorney representing you.
You are much more likely to have a successful result when you have a legal representative on your side. For example, the success rate for Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases is about 95% for people who file with an attorney, which is considerably higher than the success rate for people who file bankruptcy without an attorney, which is closer to 60%.
If you have a more serious issue, such as possibly facing liability for a car accident, an attorney can be the difference between getting hit with a huge judgement or making a settlement that is more beneficial for you. Such cases can be expensive. Civil lawsuits cost the U.S. economy nearly $240 billion every year, and without a legal representative on your side, you could be contributing to that number.
You also need an attorney on your side when you are the victim and someone else is at fault. You might have been the victim of a car accident that was someone else’s fault or you may have been injured at work. In any case, you need to work with an attorney to ensure you get the kind of settlement to which you are entitled. Only 2% of personal injury cases go to trial; the vast majority get settled, and you are much more likely to get a favorable settlement if you have an attorney working to protect your interests.
If you are injured at work, there are supposed to be mechanisms in place to protect you, but that isn’t always the case. Companies have to pay more for workers comp insurance every time the policy pays out, so some companies may challenge a workers comp claim to avoid having to pay. If you find yourself in such a situation, a legal representative will help you ensure that you don’t get unfairly denied benefits.
Though hiring an attorney can be expensive, it can be even more expensive to go without one. Ensuring you get the money and benefits to which you are entitled or to avoid as much liability as possible is well worth the fee you will pay to an attorney.