Stand Your Ground Laws — and rules and restrictions along the same lines — may be getting somewhat out of hand. The Associated Press reports police apprehended a Connecticut man, and he may face criminal charges, for passive aggressively stabbing a watermelon.. The man Carmine Cervellino, 49, has been temporarily released, after paying a $500 bond.
What Does Stand Your Ground Mean?
Accident injury attorneys have their hands full, thanks to Stand Your Ground laws. Stand Your Ground laws are dangerously vague — and often left up to interpretation. Loosely, the law allows residents from certain states to take aggressive actions, if they feel threatened. This, of course, leads to things like Cervellino’s arrest for having a “watermelon on the counter with a butcher’s knife in it” and carving it in a “passive-aggressive and menacing” way. Moreover, this incident is on the tame side of things. Stand Your Ground laws have also been cited in murder cases, like the famous State of Florida v. George Zimmerman.
Do Stand Your Ground Laws Excuse Matricide?
A Florida woman shot her mother in November 2011. Her mother, Valerie Rushing, survived a serious neck wound, and even asked officials to accept her daughter’s, Shireeka Wilson’s, Stand Your Ground defense. “She later requested that the state drop all charges against her daughter admitting she went to Wilson’s job to seriously harm her,” USA Today explains. “Florida law gives people who are not involved in illegal activity the right to stand their ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if they reasonably believe it’s necessary to avoid death or great bodily harm,” USA Today continues.
Experienced injury attorneys, catastrophic injury attorneys, and accident injury attorneys are in high demand, thanks to Florida’s shaky Stand Your Ground laws. The laws raise all kinds of questions and problems, including can people be arrested for cutting a watermelon and is it legal to shoot your own mother? Check out this site for more: gatewaylawyers.com