There are many different consequences after being arrested for a DUI, and they depend on your state laws. However, you’ll probably need DUI lawyers either way. Most first-time offenders might get away with a fine and some probation, but you’ll be in much more trouble if it keeps happening.
Most people don’t know the difference between general impairment vs DUI. The former might not be the driver’s fault, but a DUI is normally caused because someone imbibed too much before getting in a car. You are responsible for your actions, and driving under the influence of alcohol or any substance is dangerous for everyone on the road.
You could face bigger charges beyond a simple misdemeanor if anyone was injured as a result of your dui. It might involve jail time and a longer trial because you caused someone pain or worse. Some common questions about these cases include: Is buzzed driving illegal? That depends on what you define as “buzzed.” The alcohol meter will determine the result. Can a DUI affect buying a house? If you have a conviction, you might have problems getting a loan for a house.
Let’s find out more about the consequences for DUI offenders.
Every year, 1.4 million people are arrested for a first-time DUI offense. The DUI consequences for a first-time offender can vary; in California, for example, a misdemeanor charge may result in a maximum $1,000 fine and $2,600 in penalty assessments. However, more serious cases where people are hurt, property is damaged, or one’s BAC level is well over the limit, for example, can also result in up to six months of county jail time and a six-month suspension of your license.
The DUI consequences for repeat offenders will also vary by state, but most of the time, you’ll want to find an attorney — in particular, a drunk driving attorney — to help you with your case if those tickets start piling up.
Repeat offenders pose a greater risk on the road for everyone’s safety, and therefore they are subject to harsher punishments. You could face a felony conviction that results in jail time, license revocation, high fines, and a permanent criminal record.
How to choose an attorney for your case is up to you. However, you’ll want to be as honest and forthright with them as possible so that they can discuss with you your options and plan the best course of action. Local attorneys will be best equipped to understand state regulations and local court procedures to help get you a fair case and a fair shot at minimizing your penalties.
Again, in California, the DUI consequences increase with repeat offenses, especially if they happen close together. A second offense will result in up to two years license suspension, while a third offense might be three years, and a fourth offense four years.
Most often, a fourth DUI offense is an automatic felony, no matter what your BAC level or the conditions of being pulled over. Fines could be as high as $18,000. You could get 16 months in jail.

Make no mistake: driving under the influence is a serious crime, and the justice system takes it very seriously. It’s important to keep repeat offenders off the road, not only for their own safety, but for the safety of everyone around them. Bottom line: Don’t drink and drive.