Updated 4/5/2022
Although driving with care is of the utmost importance, accidents are bound to happen. When you get involved in an accident, the first thing you need to do is check for any injuries. At times it’s challenging to know if you have any injuries due to panic. It’s therefore crucial that you visit the doctor as soon as the accident happens and take a proper medical examination. Minor injuries may not be compensated for. However, it’s appropriate to have documentation of the medical report on the wound if the bruise grows into a medical complication. You can contact your lawyer and ask for proper advice in such cases. Other documents you need are the police statement, the insurance responsible for the negligent driver, and their personal information.
Most personal injury victims do not get full or partial compensation after an incident. It is, therefore, advisable to hire a personal injury attorney to help you with the personal injury settlement you deserve. Your lawyer will process your injury litigation as you recover. With the help of a skilled attorney, you are likely to get a higher amount than trying to process on your own. With sufficient evidence of negligence and proper documentation, experienced accident and injury lawyers find a way to ensure that you get total pay for damages and possible loss of income.

Question: What is a personal injury lawyer?
Answer: an attorney who helps U.S. residents file a personal injury claim against another person or corporation after an injury or accident. If someone is injured by negligent, dangerous, or even abusive behavior, then a personal injury law firm can help represent them in the often confusing U.S. legal system.
Question: What kind of cases do personal injury lawyers handle?
Answer: Everything from marijuana car accidents to elder abuse.
Medical malpractice injury cases have the highest average damage awards at around $600,000. The second-highest damage awards come from product liability cases, with injured consumers gaining average settlements of $300,000.
Every year hundreds of thousands of American children are injured by their toys. In 1997, 140,000 toy-related injuries occurred, but in 2006 that number had climbed to more than 220,000. In addition, 26 newborns die crib-related deaths each year.
Question: If I’ve been injured in a vehicle accident, will a personal injury attorney take my case?
Answer: There’s no one answer to this question; it depends on the specific circumstances of the crash. However, there have been almost 55 million traffic lawsuits in U.S. courts, which is even higher than the more than 20 million criminal cases filed.
Victims injured by drunk drivers often file lawsuits for damages, and because of increased awareness and enforcement, drunk driving has been on the decline for years. However, not many people realize that alcohol and boating make for a deadly combination as well. Alcohol was the leading factor in 16% of all fatal boating accidents last year.
Question: I think my aging parent and/or grandparent has been taken advantage of, what recourse is available to me?
Sadly, with an aging population — nationwide 1.6 million people live in nursing homes — elder abuse is on the rise. Not only are some senior citizens abused by nursing homes, home improvement scams targeting the elderly are also rising.
Do not hesitate to contact the police or a lawyer if you suspect an aging loved one or neighbor has been abused.
So what is a personal injury lawyer? For those unlucky Americans who have been injured by a product, a drunk or drugged driver, or been the victims of elder abuse, a personal injury attorney is often their first line of defense in the court system.