Before you take any accident injury claims to experienced personal injury attorneys, it’s best to know if you really have a case or not. Some cases may be able to claim multiple kind of damages, while others can’t. The latter often aren’t worth pursuing, while the former can potentially have huge payouts. Any experienced injury lawyers can clear up your uncertainty, it’s always better to know from the get go what kind of damages and injuries you can claim.
Chances are you’ll most certainly be able to claim for medical expenses, but you may also be able to claim for damages in lost wages or diminished employment opportunities, as well as for pain and suffering or loss of consortium. Here are a few of the kinds of damages you may be able to claim and should consider before building your case.
Pain and Suffering.
The legal definition of pain and suffering is physical or mental distress for which one can seek damages in a lawsuit based on the type of injury, pain severity, and prognosis. These accident injury claims can also include the mental and/or emotional damages that come from an incident, like increased anxiety or stress. Of course, not every state evaluates and awards pain and suffering damages the same way, which may make it a little trick to go after.
Lost Wages.
Since you could potentially lose your earning capacity, it’s possible you can make an accident injury claim for lost wages. This can also include an inability to work because of physical therapy sessions, hospital time, mobility issues, and other factors that keep you out of work and earning your wages. In order to claim this type of damage, you have to be able to prove that the injuries suffered have impaired or diminished your ability to earn money based largely on past earnings.
Loss of Consortium.
Believe it or not, some injuries can deprive a married couple of their ability to show affection to each other, which is referred to as a “loss of consortium.” This is different than the other types of damages, because the uninjured spouse is the one who makes the accident injury claim. If the victim dies as a result of their accident, the surviving family may also be able to claim loss of consortium.
With a bit of basic knowledge of the process, some organization, and patience, you may even be able to handle your accident injury claims without experienced injury attorneys. While that might seem like an attractive possibility since you’ll get more money from your accident injury claim’s settlement by eliminated the lawyers’ fees, having their experience and knowledge on your side is always worth it. The point here is that with the right preparation, you’ll surely win any accident injury claims you may want to pursue.
If you have any questions about accident injury claims, feel free to ask in the comments. Read more like this: St. louis employment attorney