When The Need Arises for Car Accident Lawyers

If you have been involved in a car accident, you will likely feel overwhelmed by the incident. If the police report determined that you were at fault for the accident, it is important for you to contact a car accident lawyer. Attorneys will know the laws of your state regarding car accidents. Your lawyer can tell you about options for your defense and how to prepare yourself for an appearance in court.

Car accident defense lawyers are trained to mitigate the police officers’ judgment that you are at fault for the crash. You may wonder if you should hire a lawyer for minor car accident cases, but according to U.S. News, a clever lawyer for the other driver could turn the legal tables against you. If you aren’t sure if you need a lawyer, call for a legal consult to determine your options.

Keep in mind that a car accident can affect you legally as well as financially. If you unwisely left the accident scene before the police arrived, you will need to find the best hit and run lawyer possible. Hit-and-run accidents can carry stiffer penalties, so having a defense lawyer for car accident cases is wise. Read on to learn more about finding an accident lawyer.

Traumatic brain injury attorney

When a car accident occurs, many times the drivers and passengers involved are unharmed. However, for those unfortunate other occurrences when death or serious injury occurs, car accident lawyers are needed.

Car and motorcycle accidents with and without pedestrians involved account for a considerable number of deaths and injuries on an annual basis. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2013, 21,132 passengers lost their lives in car crashes, and approximately 2.05 million passengers were injured.

Statistics released by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2006-to-2010 show that motor vehicle crashes contributed significantly to the incidence of traumatic brain injuries. Car crashes accounted for 14% of these traumatic brain injuries; this is also the third leading cause of traumatic brain injuries. Car crashes were the second leading cause, at 26%, of deaths occurring as a result of traumatic brain injuries,

While the primary causes of these deaths and injuries vary, some being the result of multiple causes, the following list provides several common reasons:

    Drunk driving
    Distracted drivers
    Cell phone usage while driving
    Handling electronic devices while driving
    Engaging in various other tasks while driving

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), every day, nearly 300,000 people operate their vehicles while drunk. Less than 4,000 of these drunk drivers are arrested, however.

A report that provides information on car crashes from Distration.gov claims that distracted drivers accounted for the deaths of 3,154 people in 2013. Approximately 424,000 people were injured as a result of drivers not paying attention.

Distraction.gov also reports that during daylight hours, and at any given moment, around 660,000 people are using their cell phone or handling electronic devices while at the wheel.

Furthermore, when people are involved with other types of visual-manual activities while driving, they are three-times more likely to be in a car crash, according to Distraction.gov. These activities include, but aren’t limited to, reaching for their phone, dialing their phone, and texting on their phone.

When the need arises to search for car accident lawyers, it’s important to consider the specific type of legal advice required. Preparing a list of questions to ask a personal injury lawyer ahead of time can assist the process. If you suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of being the victim of a car accident, for example, then you will likely have questions about settlement amounts for traumatic brain injuries.

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