Struggling with an issue that can’t be resolved by conventional means? Frustrated with a conclusion that just doesn’t seem fair? If you’ve been asking, “Are there lawyers near me?”, you’ve come to the right place. Where there’s a problem, there’s an attorney with the specialized skill set to solve it. Legal representation is a vast and complex field in the United States, addressing all sorts of needs ranging from financial compensation to preventative action all days of the year. If you want to find an attorney but aren’t sure where to get started on your unique case, look below to learn a little more about the field and who can help you.
How Frequent Are Car Accidents?
One of the most common issues facing modern Americans today are the prevalence of car, motorcycle and truck accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (shortened to NHTSA), over 30,000 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes across the country in the year 2014 alone. Another two million were injured that very same year, as well, raising it to be a national issue. Distracted driving accounts for at least 10% of the deaths in car accidents during 2014, while alcohol-related car accidents totaled up to nearly 31% overall.
What Are Personal Injury Trials?
Many people search for ‘lawyers near me’ due to personal injury or illness. A personal injury trial is invoked when someone has suffered injury in either an institutional or workplace setting and is seeking damages, such as medical support or financial compensation. Only 5% of personal injury cases actually see a courtroom in the United States, however — compare to the 95% of personal injury cases that are settled pretrial, usually because a feasible conclusion was able to be reached or the case was deemed unsuitable for continuation.
What Factors As A Personal Injury?
There are many different ways someone can face a personal injury or illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (also known as the CDC) reports that at least 17,000 slip and fall accidents (also known as premises liability accidents in some cases) occur on a yearly basis. Another survey conducted by the CDC saw around five million people suffering from minor to severe dog bites annually, creating over 800,000 injuries that require the attention of a doctor.
What Are Other Cases That Can Be Brought To Court?
Personal injury and car accidents aren’t the only issues brought to court in the United States. A report by the CPSC found amusement park accidents lead to over 7,000 injuries on an annual basis, causing many businesses to overhaul their safety practices to keep their customers safe. According to the Institute of Medicine, medical errors have lead to nearly 100,000 fatalities year after year. Should any of these apply to you, there’s an attorney that can help assist you throughout the legal system.
Where Can I Find Lawyers Near Me?
If you want to file for a personal injury claim or are simply interested in exploring your legal options, the first step is finding a good attorney. Your local law firm is staffed with professionals that specialize in different fields, such as personal injury or car accidents, and can see you assisted to the fullest of their ability. They will help you gather resources, evidence and anything else that can see you and your situation addressed as accurately as possible. Most personal injury cases are settled outside of the courtroom and the best lawyers can seek out compensation for an injury or medical error. Choosing an attorney will be your first step toward the change you seek.