Category: Personal injury attorney salem

Taking A Look At The Prevalence Of Personal Injury Cases In The United States

As any personal injury attorney is likely to be all too well aware of, car accident and other such motor vehicle accident cases make up a simply huge portion of all cases seen by your typical personal injury attorney. In fact, car accidents represent more than fifty percent (fifty two percent, to be more exact) of all personal injury cases seen in this country, followed very distantly by personal injury cases related to medical malpractice.Read more

From Car Accidents To Construction Accidents A Look At Personal Injury Cases In The United States

From construction accidents to car accidents to work injuries, personal injury cases in the United States are more commonplace than many people might realize. Personal injury cases can be long and time consuming, but are often more than worth it for the people who are pursuing settlement money to compensate for pain and suffering. Fortunately, however, as any given personal injury lawyer can tell you, the vast majority of all personal injury cases here inRead more