Divorce after marriage is not something anyone counts on. However, divorce doesn’t have to always be messy, especially if it is amicable and uncontested. With that said, you may be wondering, do you need a lawyer for an uncontested divorce? Not necessarily.
Divorce out of court is common. In fact, many people are now choosing mediation instead of going to court. Mediating a divorce is an effective way to reach an agreement that everyone is happy about. If you’re thinking, do I really need a lawyer for divorce? This really depends. If the divorce is contested, then definitely. If there are child custody issues, you’ll want a divorce attorney to protect your rights, as well as the rights of your children.
To find a divorce attorney near you, ask friends and family for a recommendation. Alternatively, do a search online to find the right divorce lawyer. Read reviews, find out about fees, and then make a decision. Many lawyers also offer free advice over the phone so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
We all know what a divorce is. We all know that people get them all of the time. But, do you know how to get a divorce if you need to? That’s the thing, despite it being so societally prevalent, no one stops to think about the procedures in how to get a divorce until it’s inevitably looming in front of them.
About 40 years ago, the divorce rate was nearly 50% of marriages ending in it. Nowadays, it is actually lessening, at only about 33% now. But that’s not to say that divorces will slowly fade out of existence. As long as marriage is around, so too shall divorce. As such, there will always be divorce lawyers around to help with the divorce procedures.
The first step, whether the divorce is mutual or one-sided, embittered or civil, is to find a divorce lawyer. That divorce lawyer can walk you through the steps in how to get a divorce. If it’s mutually agreed upon, they can make sure that the process is a swift and painless as possible. But if it is going to be a contentious divorce, the lawyer can help you to protect yourself and your assets from what may, unfortunately, become a messy process.
But before your lawyer can tell you how to apply for divorce, you need someone to tell you how to find a lawyer. There will be a few for you to choose from in your area, all you need to do is do a search for divorce lawyers and your specific location and you should find a decent number of results. The next trick is trying to decide which one is best for you.
You can usually find reviews for lawyers right online. Reading how others feel about that lawyer, about their experiences, and their successes, or lack thereof, is a great way to get a better idea of what lawyer might work best for you. Another good idea is just to ask around. You must know someone who has been divorced already. Ask them for their firsthand accounts of their lawyer. And once you get a few names, be sure to talk to each one before you make a decision. Take the interview process seriously, because this lawyer will have a large part in getting you what you deserve in this divorce case.

Very rarely are divorces so mutually agreed upon that you can just split everything down the middle and everyone is happy. Even if you both claim to be happy about it, it’s best to find yourself a good lawyer to back you up, in case things get heated and turn more to the legal side of the divorce. Protect yourself and your assets with a great divorce lawyer. More on this topic.