Author: Litigation Advice

Four Reasons Legal Malpractice Insurance Can Save Your Firm and Protect Your Livelihood

One of the most important things an attorney can have is legal malpractice insurance. This coverage not only protects the attorney and his or her firm, but the clients relying on that attorney as well. Whether you practice law for a large corporate firm or for a small legal practice, make sure that your livelihood is not put at risk should you face a malpractice suit. Consider these four reasons to get an attorney malpracticeRead more

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Get You the Settlement You Deserve

Many people have heard about personal injury attorneys, but they don’t have a lot of experience with the process until they end up dealing with a personal injury themselves. A personal injury does not necessarily have to be a physical injury, though it can be. It can also be an emotional injury, such as slander by another person. There are many different types of personal injuries that attorneys can help with, whether you are dealingRead more

The Importance of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

If you get in an accident, it is essential that you hire a personal injury law firm to represent you afterward. This is especially true if you are injured or if you are determined to be at fault in the accident. Once you file a personal injury accident claim, the insurance company will determine whether or not they will cover your bills. However, they might try not to give you everything you are entitled toRead more

Is Driving without Auto Insurance a Crime?

Virtually all vehicles on the road have auto insurance protection for at least bodily injury or property damage suffered by others. Having a driver’s license is not mandatory for auto insurance because some people buy cars, insure them, and have someone else drive. But auto insurance for no driver’s license holders could be costly. That is because insurers like to know that you are not a high risk. Am I required to have car insurance?Read more

A Look at ERISA Rules

What does ERISA mean? The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, or ERISA, is a federal law that outlines the minimum standards for pension in private industry. It was signed into law by President Gerald Ford on September 2, 1974. ERISA rules were enacted to protect employee interests in benefit plans. This is done through ERISA rules that require the disclosure of financial information to plan beneficiaries, establishing a conduct code for plan fiduciaries,Read more

How to Pack Your Office When It’s Time to Move

A business moving to a new location can put a lot of stress on all employees. From the manager who has to organize the whole shebang with corporate relocation companies, to even the entry level employees. During office moves, most companies make employees pack up their own desk and filing cabinets, which can be quite the hassle as they try to get through their already busy work schedule. So to help those of you whoRead more

Understanding the Legal Definitions of Domestic Violence

In the legal world, definitions are very important. The general public’s understanding of a term may not fulfill the legal understanding, sometimes making it difficult to determine what actually qualifies as a crime worthy of report. Indeed, questions like “What is considered domestic violence?” are asked frequently. So, what is the definition of domestic violence? Here, we will provide an answer to that question. The term “domestic violence”, also termed “domestic abuse”, can describe aRead more

The REAL Truth About Filing for Bankruptcy

If you are considering bankruptcy, talk to an attorney that specializes in bankruptcy before you make your next move. Bankruptcy laws are there for consumers and businesses that need a fresh start and an opportunity to reorganize their finances. It is a serious decision that you should not make on your own. When you declare bankruptcy without a lawyer you can miss out on some key benefits of bankruptcy. Additionally, a debtor in bankruptcy caseRead more

Filing for Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is something no one wants to do, but it’s often the only option so you can stop garnishments and get out of trouble. Sometimes, life doesn’t go according to plan, and you might have lost a business venture or you could’ve been careless with your finances. Now, you’re stuck with loans or mounting debts and have no way to pay them. You probably also wonder, will filing bankruptcy ruin my life? TheRead more