Year: 2017

I Was Injured On The Job Can Workers’ Compensation Help Me?

All workers deserve to be properly protected in the eyes of the law. When you suffer an injury or illness on the job that prevents you from working, workers comp is there to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve to keep moving forward. Unfortunately, many Americans struggle with the legal process when it comes to addressing work-related issues and applying for a compensation claim. Below are industry statistics and common concerns to better layRead more

Choosing The Right Attorney Can Mean The Difference Between A Successful Case Or Wrongful Conviction

Anything can happen. This is wisdom you’ve been brought up with since you were a child, though it can be easy to forget when you move back and forth between the humdrum of daily chores, work, school and family obligations. When you’re assaulted by a stranger or find yourself in a potentially dangerous situation with your spouse, it can be almost too shocking to address. When you remember what you’ve been taught, it’s important toRead more

Finding the Right Attorney When It Matters Most

It’s late and he doesn’t even remember getting in the car. The thing he remembers the most is the way his head is throbbing from smashing against the steering wheel when his car hit hers from behind. He had fallen asleep at the wheel and when the officers got him out of the car, he could not pass a sobriety test. He is on his way to his first DUI and he has no ideaRead more

Three Situations Where a Lawyer Should be Hired

Injuries can happen to us in just about any situation in life. Two of the most common injuries people will endure is either an automobile or personal injury. In either of the previously mentioned situations, it is always wise to have a professional fighting on your behalf. Motorcyclists know the dangers of traveling on the open road. Statistics show that, in 2013, 88,000 people were injured while riding a motorcycle. Tragically, a National Highway TrafficRead more

Common Causes of Auto Accidents

By now, most drivers understand the serious consequences that are involved with drinking and driving. Although drinking and driving does result in a significantly high auto accident rate, there are many other contributing factors to auto accidents. Many of these causes are never discussed and new drivers may not even be aware of the risks. When you take on the responsibility of operating a vehicle, you are responsible for your own life, your passengers, andRead more

Court Reporter Associations Networking and Professional Development

Are you interested in finding out more about a career in court reporting? If you’re currently in a program or have just received your certification, you are probably interested in learning even more about the opportunities within this field. One of the ways to accomplish this is to spend time learning about the benefits of a court reporter association. In the United States, there are three national associations: The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) TheRead more

Police Dash Systems, Increasing Safety for Everyone

Lately, it seems there has been a lot of controversy and debate on appropriate actions of police officers. People are worried about police officers having too much authority, and police officers are worried about their own safety. At times, it does not seem like there is a great solution for either side. However, police dash cams and recording systems may be the best solution that is currently available. It provides benefits to all residents andRead more

I’m Getting A Divorce Who Can Help Me With Child Custody And Property Management?

Are you attempting to file for a divorce? Are you unsure how to start going about managing child custody or property agreement? It’s time you sought out family law legal advice. Attempting to navigate the legal system is something many Americans attempt to do only to meet wall after wall of issues ranging from fees to consultation to additional problems they didn’t anticipate. Divorce attorneys, child custody lawyers and family law firms can assist youRead more

6 Ways to Know You’re A Victim of Disability Discrimination

Are you afraid that you might be a victim of disability discrimination? Are you unsure of this fact or not? Do you need help finding out if your case is in fact an act of disability discrimination? Here’s a list of the 6 different types of disability discrimination stated by the Equality Act. While the Equality Act is not an official disability law in America, these cases can prove as an example of the situationsRead more