Author: Litigation Advice

Four Reasons Why You Should Appeal Your Rejected VA Disability Claim

Every veteran who comes home from serving in the armed forces with a disability or life-altering condition has the right to receive compensation from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, or the VA. And if you have filed for benefits with the VA and have had your VA disability claim status rejected, you might feel like this isn’t true. However, the VA has previously stated that its average error rate is around 14% when dealing withRead more

The Four Facts Everyone Should Know About Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

In 2020, 381,217 chapter 7 bankruptcies were filed, making up 70.2% of all bankruptcies filed that year. When deciding to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy, it’s best to enlist the help of a chapter 7 attorney who will guide you through the process. On your own, you may miss debt categories that could be eliminated, or you may have errors in your filing that cause your application to be rejected. To locate a bankruptcy filing,Read more

Common Reasons to File a Personal Injury Claim

We live at a time when the public and the media view injury litigation scornfully. Many personal injury victims, therefore, shy away from seeking the justice they are entitled to for fear of being criticized. But personal injury claims serve a far greater purpose than just getting compensation for injuries. Not everyone has personal injury protection coverage meaning that if they sustain injuries from an auto accident, they may have to use out-of-pocket money toRead more

Connecticut Man Arrested For Cutting Watermelon

Stand Your Ground Laws — and rules and restrictions along the same lines — may be getting somewhat out of hand. The Associated Press reports police apprehended a Connecticut man, and he may face criminal charges, for passive aggressively stabbing a watermelon.. The man Carmine Cervellino, 49, has been temporarily released, after paying a $500 bond. What Does Stand Your Ground Mean? Accident injury attorneys have their hands full, thanks to Stand Your Ground laws.Read more

Trying to Find a Personal Injury Attorney? Start with These Four Tips

Drivers who experience serious traffic crashes have different ways of answering the question, “What are the best car accident injury lawyers near me?” However, they should also understand when to seek the services of personal injury attorneys and what to expect from them. Accidents that result in death or serious injury may be difficult to resolve through normal claims processes. This is especially true when insurers attempt to settle for amounts that are insufficient toRead more

Three Simple Tips on How to Find an Attorney Who’s Right for You

If you’ve been wrongfully terminated or you were the victim of an auto accident, you need to take steps to find justice. While in some cases, particularly those that only require a trip to small claims court, you can fend perfectly well for yourself, when your job, finances, and health are on the line, you need to find experienced injury attorneys who can help you get your due. The problem? Finding experienced injury lawyers isRead more

Three Kinds of Damages You May Be Able to Claim

Before you take any accident injury claims to experienced personal injury attorneys, it’s best to know if you really have a case or not. Some cases may be able to claim multiple kind of damages, while others can’t. The latter often aren’t worth pursuing, while the former can potentially have huge payouts. Any experienced injury lawyers can clear up your uncertainty, it’s always better to know from the get go what kind of damages andRead more

Law Firms, Reduce Your Turnover Rates

Law firms and practices in Wisconsin report alarmingly high turnover rates for assistant district attorneys and staff in general, CNN reports. Most turnover in law firms — whether in Wisconsin or elsewhere — is easily preventable. Law practices can lower turnover rates and improve overall employee satisfaction by avoiding common hiring mistakes: Mistake One: Passing Up Qualified Candidates An increasing number of law firms are passing up perfectly capable candidates. The reason? Law firms areRead more

What an Immigration Attorney Can Do for You

Updated 8/29/24 If you are not a United States citizen but want to be one, you need an immigration lawyer. According to All Law, U.S. laws about citizenship and visa applications are very complicated. If you make a mistaken entry on your application, it can delay or block your citizenship. Some people wonder about immigration vs. naturalization; becoming a citizen is naturalization. According to the American Immigration Council, two of the most common forms ofRead more