Author: Litigation Advice

How Does a Bankruptcy Filing Affect Your Taxes?

Deciding that you need to get bankruptcy help by beginning a journey along the Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy timeline is a huge choice that will affect you for the rest of your life. Because it’s such a life-altering decision, it’s important to consider how a bankruptcy filing will impact all aspects of your life, from your ability to get credit afterward to even something as unexpected as your unpaid taxes. Want to knowRead more

What To Do If You Are In Danger of a Drinking and Driving Infraction

The number one way to avoid getting pregnant is to never have sex. However, that’s isn’t practical for everyone. The same is true when we talk about alcohol consumption and driving. Whether you were leaving casual after-work drinks or partying all night, there are some simple tips for avoiding getting hit with a drinking and driving infraction. Know the Law For example, the blood alcohol level (BAC) requirement varies from state to state. In Missouri,Read more

Three Questions to Ask a Divorce Lawyer

No one wants to get a divorce, but nevertheless, no matter how hard a couple tries to reconcile, this form of legal separation is the only way. When it comes to this, people have many questions. For instance, what does the process involve? This varies between states, as do the fees involved and whether or not a legal separation is required. How property is divided up also changes depending on where you live. In someRead more

What You need to Know About Car Accident Settlements

Car accidents are scary, but the legal complications that go along with getting reimbursed for medical expenses after one can be even more intimidating sometimes. Here are some of the most common questions people ask personal injury lawyers about car accident settlements: What Do I Do After a Car Accident? Many people wonder what to do after car accidents that will help them navigate legal issues down the road related to property damage and personalRead more

What To Do If You Get Hurt At Work

If you were recently hurt at work, the first thing you should know is that you have rights. Workers who are injured in both major and minor ways are entitled to a fair exploration of their claim and perhaps even workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is based on a workers ability to get employed after their injury as well as their economic loss while out of work. For example, worker who loses a limb at aRead more

Three Questions To Ask When Looking for a Bankruptcy Lawyer

If you decide to file bankruptcy, one of the best things that you can do is to find the right bankruptcy attorneys to work with. If you can do this, you’ll have access to good advice that will help you make the best call. The professionals can let you know things like what a bankruptcy budget worksheet is, among other things. You can also do some research online to learn a bit about the processRead more

Different Sub-specialites of Family Law

Family law is a very specialized branch of law. Divorce, child custody, and alimony are the main issues that family attorneys deal with. However, there are many more things that a family lawyer can help you with. A divorce family attorney can help you with issues like prenuptial agreements, child support, guardianship, and emancipation. A divorce decreee may demand mutual agreement from the partners. If you refuse to comply, you should consider hiring a divorceRead more

Three Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Personal Injury

Can you have two lawsuits at the same time? This is something you might want to consider if you’ve been in a car accident. It is essential that you hire a lawyer, especially if you’re going to be going through the court system. Personal injury law offices specialize in this kind of work, so make sure that you hire one of them to help you. If you’ve been injured, you’ll likely need bodily injury compensationRead more

Crazy Things That Can Get Your Thrown in Jail If You Do Them in Church

The U.S. takes religion very seriously. Religious persecution was, after all, one of the things that forced immigrants from all across Europe to flee to the New World. Consequentially, legal statutes securing citizens religious freedoms and protecting the sanctity of religion have made their way into U.S. law books since before the country was independent. In fact, you don’t have to do a whole ton of law research to see just how thoroughly they’ve proliferatedRead more

Red Light Camera Tickets Are the Worst, But Here Are Two Ways To Fight Them

Red light camera tickets: they always come out of the blue, usually taken in an intersection you don’t even remember, and quite possibly sent from a state that you drove through during a road trip and which you never want to drive through again. These traffic violations are annoying and expensive, and they’re often issued using questionable photo evidence collected from cameras stationed at intersections. If you’ve received one of these traffic violations, you areRead more